Friday, February 10, 2012


2-1-2010B by Walter Paul Bebirian
2-1-2010B by Walter Paul Bebirian

1 comment:

Walter Paul said...

this is the very first photograph that I ever created in my entire life (as far as I recall) - I was given my very first Kodak Brownie Camera for my eight birthday and then we went on a trip to New Jersey to visit my Uncle Jack (who was also responsible for introducing me to the inside of the ABC television studios since he was a TV engineer there) and here I caught him in my very first shot making shish kebob and utilizing his invention of the rotisserie for the barbecue - made from a little motor and a bicycle chain - I never imagined when I took that photograph that anyone would ever see it besides myself and perhaps my family members - but since then things have changed greatly over the more than 54 years since this photograph was taken and I am able to share this now with people from all over the world -